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videostill (above): Chooc Ly Tan and Ida Macondo in Crepuscular Dreams of (Dis-) Alienation
Crepuscular Dreams of (Dis-) Alienation, 2018
HD video, color and sound
15 minutes
Crepuscular Dreams of (Dis-) Alienation is a collage of found and homemade audio and visual material, drawn from the artist's multiple camera devices (Gopro, DSLR, BPCC, iphone) and youtube videos, intermingling trips to visit family in Cambodia with personal material from her own unreleased music production. The audio-visual collage presents interviews from women and non-binary people of colour that include friends and family, as well as the artists’ sister. Tracing a diaspora across Paris, Algeria, Reykjavik, the Congo, Cambodia and Dublin, they critically reflect on present day considerations from the position of those who’s parents and grandparents directly experienced the colonial exploits of various European imperialisms.
The work pulses across generations with contributions from Louiza Benrezzak who reads extracts from her father’s poetry, the artists’ sister Dijana Tan, childhood friend Ida Macondo, cousins San Sokchea, Thmey Cheanich (filmed by the artists cousin San bun Theon from his smartphone), Fériel Boushaki, and Martial and friends as they make spring rolls. With a grand optimism, interviewees reflect on the aftermath of colonialism and on-going neo-colonialisms, touching upon the complexities of prejudice today, that include exoticism within popular culture, whilst foregrounding current, and future projects and aspirations of the contributors.
Part educational, part experimental documentary, the work emerges from lived experience as much as from research. A speculative thinking that syncopates online news articles with excerpts from experimental music producers, friends, family, composers and writers, as well as theoreticians.
“I believe that the real battle for people who are like me is to occupy space, the space of discourse”
filmmaker : Louiza Benrezzak

print available @ Banner Repeater

The video was developed for the Southern Summer School, a collective project initiated by artists Dorine van Meel and Nelmarie du Preez, that brings together art practitioners and cultural workers based in South Africa, the Netherlands, and the UK. The project takes as it’s starting point an acknowledgment that the colonial involvement of the Dutch and British empire in South Africa is not only a historical fact that may be consigned to the past, but that colonialism continues to operate in the power relations very much of the present.
︎ Press - Art Monthly , solo show at Banner Repeater reviewed by Tabitha Steinberg
Screenings & exhibitions:
2023 | Celestial Festival 2023, Berlin (upcoming)
2022 | Migration Matter Festival, Sheffield
2022 | Queer East Festival | Rich Mix, London
2020 | Banner Repeater | London (solo exhibition)
2019 | Euronoize | Kunsthall Oslo | Oslo, Norway (group exhbition)
2018 | Film Labs | Chale Wote Festival 2018 | Accra, Ghana
2017 | Britain in Pieces | Project O, Fragment 2: X | Spielart | Munich, Germany
2017 | SSS | BAK | Utrecht, The Netherlands
︎ Press - Art Monthly , solo show at Banner Repeater reviewed by Tabitha Steinberg
Screenings & exhibitions:
2023 | Celestial Festival 2023, Berlin (upcoming)
2022 | Migration Matter Festival, Sheffield
2022 | Queer East Festival | Rich Mix, London
2020 | Banner Repeater | London (solo exhibition)
2019 | Euronoize | Kunsthall Oslo | Oslo, Norway (group exhbition)
2018 | Film Labs | Chale Wote Festival 2018 | Accra, Ghana
2017 | Britain in Pieces | Project O, Fragment 2: X | Spielart | Munich, Germany
2017 | SSS | BAK | Utrecht, The Netherlands